Saturday, March 31, 2007
[[* +_Tired_+ *]]
Oh, think I'm suiciding *lol working 7-days a week.. Am I crazy or wat? *haiz I oso dunno la. Went back Lawman to wrk was coz on account of Auntie Grace.. and was think perhaps it's better that I go earn money den to waste money shopping rite *haha K la I know is lame...
Anyway stand for 6 hrs den went Bodyshop shopping! Got 70% sales!!! And bought pretty lotsa stuff and Kent help me carry *aagaga...
Today's PingZ's B'daae!!!
And there are more birthdays to come!!!
- Huixin's 21st Brithday on 9 April
and we're celebrating it on 8 April a Sunday @ Downtown East Chalet :D
- Zong's 20th Birthday on 11 April
and we're celebrating it on 6 April for a KTV Session (not confirmed though)
- Ronald's Birthday on 15 April
- Joyce's 20th Brithday on 27 April
- Eric's Birthday on 28 April (i dunno how old is he :P)
4:46 PM
[[* +_Finally Back @ Work_+ *]]
After 2 days of off, I'm back at work again. Today was a busy day, lots of stuff to learn and for me to digest as from next week onwards I'm a official secretary! And boss just increased my pay coz he say now I got more responsibility so should give me higher pay. *wheet weet so HAPPY!!
Lunch was boss treat, went to IKEA and boss went to queue and buy for us *wah we very bad hor. No lah they guys oso got go help out. But kanna scolded for wasting his money coz i din drink the tea nor the coffee ma. And asked me pay $1.20 *lol Kidding though. It was a long lunch ;)
After work, dear help me bought a pair of shoe coz the shoe I wore to work was killing me and he brought it to Commonwealth MRT to wait for me *hee its nice but if he had came to my office, it wld have been better. So we went Bugis then Suntec to have our dinner!
9:34 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
[[* +_Pre-Dinner Preparation_+ *]]
Book an appointment to have my hair and makeup done @ 3pm @ 900+ for 55bucks! Cheap? *hee Let's see the Before & After >>>>
It took some 2hrs from 3-5pm for the transformation to take place. *lol Then walk home to get changed which I have some trouble trying to take change into my gown coz of my hair and makeup *Argh
At the salon saw this good looking guy from NTU, haha really very cute lei. He was there to highlight his hair *haha But his highlighting was faster then me and he went off when I was doing my makeup, so din get to see his new hairdo. :( *haha shd secretly take pic of him ah wasted *haiz
2:55 PM
[[* +_Actual Dinner_+ *]]
My dad gave me a ride to the hotel and on the way went to fetch the other 3 gals and cyn was sooooo slow!!! Hiyo... :P
We reached and firs thing we did was went to check out it's toilet *haha (cyn's idea) Then we wait for the rest to come before proceeding to the ballroom. (*Lavvie was the last to reach, in a mismatched cat woman outfit?) *hee
It was more like a costume party den a Dinner & Dance, it was pretty chaotic and the goodie bag sucks... *haha look so unglam and service was pretty slow for the registration :( (*sorrie ah Linggie) Food there sucks too, service staff dun seems to understand English oso and got a smell... *argh and the serving was a little kind of fast? We haven finish our food they took it away le... *haiz And they're pretty wasteful too, norm is to refill the glass but they changed the whole glass even when it is only quarter drank. This is the kind of a service for a 5-star hotel? Second thoughts~~
Had real great fun, thanks alot ppl, for coming!!!
Now let the pictures do the talking and see how much fun we had!
5:18 AM
[[* +_Group PicZ_+ *]]
5:17 AM
[[* +_Dinner PicZ Part 1_+ *]]
5:16 AM
[[* +_Dinner PicZ Part 2_+ *]]
5:15 AM
[[* +_Dinner PicZ Part 3_+ *]]
5:14 AM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
[[* +_Post-Dinner Party_+ *]]
It ended at around 12+ den we took a cab down to MOS to party, we're too late and missed the free entry to Pure @ Boutique :( There goes my freebies and my membership card! :( sadded
Din really enjoy much coz was wearing a 3inch tall heels and was so tired (i mean the leg) so din dance much and it makes me physically tired... wasted. But had fun though thanks guys.
And ya thanks Vishal for being such a gentlemen in getting us a cab :) *muacks! *lol
5:49 PM
[[* +_MOS Picture Time Part 1_+ *]]
4:15 PM
[[* +_MOS Picture Time Part 2_+ *]]
4:05 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
[[* +_Yet another day_+ *]]
2nd day @ work, busy with the handing over of the secretary stuff, oh god nearly got drowned in the pool of calculations and numbers. >>> CPF contribution calculation, Salary Calculation, Petty Cash, Bank Statement der der der God... tell me how am I a number insensitive and careless idiot gonna cope? Will I be able to do the job well? hmmm pray hard ah. Since the boss so 看得起我 I must show him my best rite. Hope can get increment *haha covering 2 job lei... :P
Went Bukit Merah Central for lunch and bump into cyn there... so 巧sia. The weather was so freaking hot la, walk back office was perspiring non-stop feel so uncomfortable... *ARGH
Anyway tml no need work!! Off for both wed and thurs *haha so happy. Cool ah work 2 days rest 2 days *haha no la tml is my D&D man... my boss good let me off ask me go enjoy myself! YEAH 老板万岁!*LOL
Tml gonna do my hair... and after D&D we shall go party! Discuss with Ziming le... I wan go MOS coz tml got the Boutique @ PURE got free tics and we wear so nice nice can go participate and can win some stuff. SOmemore got deww MOS membership card wor... DUnno by the time we go still got anot *haha And ya they also still got bottle left there so lets go la... *hee...
SO excited suddenly, firs time attending such a formal D&D! :D
Hope tml I can be pretty pretty!
11:15 PM
[[* +_Over the Moon_+ *]]
Oh this afternoon also had a brief chat with my idol!! STANLEY or should I call him MING HAN now...
haha we were talking talking den he say I look pretty now, wah meaning I last time in Shanghai ugly ma? *haha den he say is prettier *WOW I so happy floating in the sky le... commented by my own idol lei!!! *LOL he graduating this end of the yr, wah like super long sia their uni studies... Phew~~~ and yea he was saying to have a SSIC gathering soon, shall we? but who gonna take lead? ZIMING!!!!! KEON!!! :P
HE was actually refering to this pic:
Yeah, self taken with Suowei @ The Clinic :D CHEERS!
10:52 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
[[* +_Late on 1st Day_+ *]]
Oh god... know wat happen to me? I was actually late on my first day in reporting to work!!!
Oh man... how could I *haiz all bcoz of bus 14 din know it got so few buses till my colleagues told me. Was actually hesitating whether to take cab le... in the end never take... coz I took a bet... Lucky my boss was a nice man say nvm, he even called to tell me to take my time *PHEW actually oso I good la got call them tell them I'll be late *HENG *lol :P
Haha it's a pretty small company but ppl there really nice, and was told to enjoy my work dun stress. YEAH *haha went thru some briefing and firs day lots of work been thrown at me le... was giving the pay tat I was looking for... but should have said a higher amt coz the boss was damn nice din even bargain with my amt and was agreeable to it but 来不及了 :( *Haiz. wasted *lol
Currently, I'm like a Sales and Project Coordinator cum a mini secretary *haha... doing all sorts of stuff super related to my course of study!
BI... ERM... ERP... SAND... DBIS...
Got ERP system need to understand, OLAP, schemas, user manual documentation der der der like doing FYP Project like tat the documentation part.
9:54 PM
[[* *]]
Was asked if I'll really like to take up the post of secretary and my pay can be increased further... I'm still considering, really afraid of the work load... hmmz Wish me luck!
*haha firs day at wrk asked for 2 days leave le very bad hor... but haha it was granted! so happy... D&D here I come suddenly so excited about it.
Kareen called today meeting her next tues for dinner, tis time round no more wrong meeting place and no more going in the opp direction le :P
Tml got long day to go, the current secretary doing handing over to me OH GoD! coz I going on leave on wed and thurs :P
8:11 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
[[* +_D&D Shopping_+ *]]
Dear came met me after my wrk @ 6 to 陪me buy my D&D stuff... initially wan buy only the clutch bag, end up kanna physco buy a new dress oso... ok la like it but was really exp, lucky dear paid. *haha :P e sponsor me de... but anyway shall return him the $$ when I get my pay la... coz really exp tink was like 80 buck.
Was so freaking tired after standing the whole day la, not 体贴at all, wna me go queue up buy food! Ya I know it was a deal tat fast food I'll be the one buying and food court you buy, but can't there be times where there is exception?! Really *haiz nothing to say! DOTZzZzzz
Yeah tml officially start wrking perm le... so tired gonna slp dunno wat awaits me tml.... :D
10:45 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
[[* +_Singapore such a small city_+ *]]
*haha no wonder I find him so familiar yesterday... look so eugene, today den realise indeed he is the guy in the pic with Eugene in friendster... but look so beng with all the piercing *lol and he's so vain vain vain... but really a little boy *hahaz...
yesterday nv tok at all only say goodbye... today tok den realise eh we have common friends lei... eugene and eric... so 巧!so tired wrking 3 consecutive days... ooo my leg gonna cannot stand le...
and stupid kent fly me kite today!!! *ANGRY ANGRY... *argh... made me have to go walk myself den take 502 home myself!!! coz last min can't find friends to 陪me so sad rite... *haiz...
10:40 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
[[* +_Firs Day back @ Lawman_+ *]]
Oh so long nv do sales... abit not used to it, but still everything still manageable but lotsa things have changed. Bosses been changed, Mgt been changed, clothing been changed (now all men's wear).
Got a new supervisor too, who is pretty much of a braggart *lol but overall still pretty not bad la ;) Was actually wrking still 6pm de... in the end the boy nv come take over so end up wrk till 9.30. And dear came meet me!!! YEAH.. accompany me for dinner and we share a bowl of chicken curry but he ate most of it coz its too spicy for me :(
End of the day... I was so worn out so shacked! Tired going home rest my leg and goin work again tml same time same place... NITEZzZzzz
10:34 PM
[[* +_Sorry SuoWei_+ *]]
So SORRY... Suowei... sorry last minute fly u aeroplane... so sorry...
Coz last minute my parents wanna go grocery shopping...
My dad initially wanna give me a hitch to Panasonic to collect my cam de... end up ask my mum to tag along... say go grocery shopping... so off we went to... u know where?
AMK Hub... the new big big NTUC supermarket... really big... make me think of Shanghai... where all the supermarkets are big big de. miss it man... And the carpark cheated us of $1.05 when it actually say the 1st hr is free!!! Anyway my dad say nvm... so ok lo... bought toastbox to eat on the car...
After that we proceed on to Tampines the GIANT... coz my mum have been wanting to go there for a long time le... we're real crazy man... *haha... but ok la... got car so anything also accessible... wish to get my license soon... but hmmm no $$$ :(
Must find a boyfriend with CAR!!! *lol :P
2:11 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
[[* +_BrainStorming_+ *]]
Interview with Emation was pretty cool ah... Given lots of opportunities... the boss okie I mean the MD really good to me man... I dun wan the Pre-sales Consultant job... den he offered me back the secretray placement again... *haha his email really long man. BUt now time to consider... should I accept?
Yo... going collect my beloved cam tml!!! Yea and meeting suowei... shopping time!!!
Been trying super super hard to update... but the stupid blogger is giving me lotsa problems!!! hate it... think wanna migrate le... :(
12:26 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
[[* +_Family Outing_+ *]]
1:40 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
[[* +_Donut Feast_+ *]]
Woke up with a Donut craving... suddenly yearn to eat donuts from Donut Factory... You know the one with the long long queue at Raffles City one? *haha... so... go about looking for ppl to help me buy *hee... finally found one... He went and queued for 3hrs 21mins... ooo... wat freaking long hours... really (xin ku ni le) haha and so sorry feel so pai sei oso... den he delivered to my house... *wheetwee...*haha loves u loads *lol...
It was really nice.. but er... abit too much la... 24 donuts in all le... den later my sis oso bought donuts back but from vivo de... not as nice though... haha coz actually ask my sis buy de.... den she say queue too long... but din know she''ll end up going to vivo to buy so in total... I got.... 30 DONUTS!!! wah I gonna die eating donuts man... *LoL and once again
Thanks alot KENT... wat wld i be without u rite... *haha... but he say no more nxt time le... sadded... but of coz la... how wld i dare to make such a request again rite... I not so think-skinned one ma... nxt time... target shall be... aharhar... ZONG!!! watch out man... agagaga...
1:52 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
[[* +_Long Tired DAY_+ *]]
We met again after only 7hrs? *haha... met cyn and weijie @ JE platform... coz cyn gonna company for an interview @ Jalan Bukit Merah... coz I dunno where izit... and we going meet suowei later on to go out :D
In the end den I realise... chey Jalan Bukit Merah is here ah... aiyo last time I work @ Alexandra Hosp how come I dunno... so kuku... *lol she damn good man, loyal friend company me wait and den wait for my interview to end which lasted abt an hour... THANKS ALOT CYN>>> love u *lol...
dunno y the MD talk so much... and he really read thru my portfolio page by page and in details... and talk alot stuff to me... and I was actually interviewing a Secretary post... end up become a pre-sales consultant... coz they're doing an ERP software...and saw tat I got an A for ERM and so... ya u know la... ask me go home consider den give him a buzz... ok... sure no prob... *really wonder y does my interviews always last 45mins to an hour at least... hmmm is tat good or bad? *haha...
2:25 AM
[[* +_Long Tired DAY 2_+ *]]
After tat met up with Suowei... and as we walked towards Panasonic Building to get my cam repaired... Cyn with her sharp eye... spotted suowei sitting in the double-decker bus... wah really damn good eyesight sia... *peifu peifu... so i immediately gave suowei a buzz to let her know where we were...
After tat we went to ABC Food Centre to have lunch... *hee... den Cyn received a call from NTU? NUS? SMU? forgot which one... asking for our transcript with logo... so off we go to cyn hse to collect her certs... coz she wan laminate and school cheaper... den off we go to TP!!! and poor suowei got to accompany us... *hee but glad she dun mind... after tat... we took super long time to decide whether to pay the $10 to get the transcript and ponders for quite some time... also took suowei on a stroll around our school... *haha...
den after tat we went down to City Hall and do some window shopping for our DnD... :D Then they went off... and I wait for my sis to finish her work... coz going buy a bag from GUESS for my aunt's b'dae... oh man goin broke!!! I need work badly...
2:20 AM
Friday, March 16, 2007
[[* +_The Clinic_+ *]]
1:36 AM
[[* *]]
Cyn and WeiJie was late... so me and suowei went around exploring... initially wanted go SJPS de... but too exp... :( so end up in THE CANNERY... went sat down at THE CLINIC and ordered one-for-one... and ordered alot... *haha... coz help cyn order ma...
Aiyo... looking back at the photos taken... oh gosh I was so super red tat day... as if I was drunk!!! oh god!!! so ugly!!!
But Clinic was a disappointment la... but its a pretty nice chill out bar... next time I shall try out the drip!!! 50bucks per drip wor... but kind of cool ya... *haha..
And lastly... so sorry peeps... i really live too far away... but lucky weijie live CCK... so thanks for the ride home... u're a steady driver... firs among my fr... *haha... thanks to Cyn too... And thanks to weijie for being such a good entertainer ah... with ur Pokker Cards Magic... really entertaining *haa... :P
1:27 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
[[* +_HAPPY DAY_+ *]]
For the past few days... been busy attending courses by Ron Kaufman on Up Your Service... It was pretty fun but feel kinda cheated... the ang moh was actually teaching thru video... and is replaced by our own lecturers. *sigh. It's been a long day man...
but so happy tml meeting with cyn and suowei... and we gonna go THE CANNERY... and going to THE CLINIC coz both me and weijie got free entry!!!
And yea today got back results... use Junwen's PSP to check results... cool man... firs time handling a PSP feel so... clumsy and... dun say la... *sigh... but results was pretty unexpected... finally got an A in my whole 3 yrs of poly life... amazing for me... though I know alot ppl got alot of As de... but not me ma... me tis type dun study de... always last minute can get A is a miracle le... somemore is for ERM... wah... really gave me a shock... but I'm pretty happy with my results... but still dun think can get admission to Uni :(
1:45 AM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
[[* +_IT Fair_+ *]]
Sucking IT Fair... I seriously hate crowds. Fr of mine shd knows it very well.
Initially meeting time was 11am, as usual I'm late *ha-ha Pushed back till 3.30... Still was late *lol so finally met @ 4pm... So sorry my dear... walked through city link, upon coming up from 7eleven exit... omg!!! It was having a traffic jam right to the doorway!! Can u imagine? *wow... its real shocking to me... I know there'll be overwhelming crowds and have been told to be well-prepared but still I din imagine and nv crossed my mind tat it will be these much!!! And it's freaking many... so we U-turn... went to MS firs... den from there cross the bridge but still there was a freaking jam on the bridge to the convention!!! there was even this blinking red lamp tat says >> the IT Fair is overcrowded, kindly please return in an hour's time (something like tat la, dun quite remember exactly)... but I was told to keep on squeezing as coming back later will have no difference... so ok lo... I got choice ma? No rite... :( ok there I go... SQUEEZE!!! Finally went in... Hz... lucky got training b4 in China... if not... ur shd noe la... :P
I really dun like to walk in crowded places... so many obstacles... people here and there hiyo... and squeeze until ewe all the ppl so sticky YUCKS.
*haha anyway... for companying some ppl to the IT fair... finally got sponsor to buy my long-awaited mp3 player!!! The Samsung YP-T9 (4GB, purple)... *wee-wee gaga... cost me 400 bucks after discount (actually is 398 only la)...
1:32 AM
Friday, March 09, 2007
[[* +_Am I too fussy?_+ *]]
*haha* it was all well again PASSED the interview once again... but don't like the job scope... kind of a job that normally took up by 'O' level ppl... even the interviewer said it will be a waste of my talent *wow* *wow*... *lol
I like the company... coz it's a Jap MNC cool man... *haha* next to the shipyard somemore... like the show 最高点!!! *agaga I will be working in the technical dept... with the engineers and specialists like the Dawn Yeoh and Christopher Lee... den will be in-charge of admin work like helping them book flights and accomodation... issue invoice... vouchers... overseeing the engineers working on the repairs of vessels da da da BORING rite... *haiz... if they got other job openings then good :)
I want to find a MNC!!! Govt!!! Statutory Board!!! jobs... anyone can recommend?
I don't wan chinese company... :P *lol
Am I too fussy or something? Haiz... how sia...
The interviews that I went all were very interested in my Shanghai attachment thingy... it really gave me an edge over others... was really glad that I went for it ;)
2:13 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
[[* +_Am I asking for too much?_+ *]]
Went for a interview today... the post of EXECUTIVE SECRETARY... status very hmm hmm rite... sound so professional... somemore got own office lei... another words means... alone... working....
The interviewer even said that I was a very strong candidate (feel so proud :P) Then there was also a on the spot writin test *wow* first time sia... if joyce was around she sure can write very good stuff out *haha how i wish she was there with me :P
HOW HOW... should I take it up... went today... got the post today... ask me to go down sign paperwork tml... super chop chop sia... but still considering... how how... ppl tell me how... tml got another interview... related to the marine industry...
Let's see how it goes before I decide ba hor...
Don't really know why I hesitating... really bcoz of job scope ma? or izit pay wise? actually it's not bad le... but I was tinkin of finding something 1.8k but ppl kept telling me fresh graduates mostly can get 1.4-1.6 only... so can somemore give me some light on this issue? *lol
Wish me good luck for tml!!
11:19 PM
[[* +_BIT Nite_+ *]]
I really hate those 2 idiotic, braggart!!! Makes my blood boils^^ Got a shock at the decoration did. Wat kind of standard is that? Okay, it's my fault for not going down the previous day... but den it wasn't compulsory wat... and I wasn't feeling well... shitty ppl do shitty work... heard even the one present wasn't able to contribute much wat a waste of time, so even if I were down, I supposed I'll be redundant too! On the actual day itself still came late... we're supposed to meet 12pm... came only at 3!!! wat freaking bosses are they... "Dua Pai" ah... Came in nv even say Hi... kept to themselves.. so arrogant... no choice felt so left out coz linggie & joy weren't around so went to find Q2 and Cyn to hang out... If not I'll die man... How I wish the whole thing could end faster. The thought of shouldn't have even come in the first place, flashes through my mind... *argh *roar roar... ... ...
Finally everything has ended... and it has come to a full-stop... no more seeing of the "cb" faces... no need to tolerate more nonsenses... HOORAY!!
Had great fun @ the BIT Night!! Thanks cher for organising, though it isn't the best, but is consider not bad la... But so sad din win any prizes... nevertherless make great fr!! But sadly tat we came into each others' life only at the very end of our Poly life... :( Thanks Lavvie, Darius, Linggie and etc... u guys make great friends!! We shall all keep in touch ok... >>> Joyce, See Ngee, Cynthia, Yvonne, WanYing... ... ... ...
1:55 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
[[* +_Must Keep In Touch!_+ *]]

Best Pic!!! *lol*
11:03 PM
[[* +_A decade of Friendship_+ *]]
初十五: went Jaz's hse 4 steamboat... we actually cab down from simei mrt to simei rd which is just down the road. and u noe how much it cost? $2.50 *haa... THANKS JAZ! it was really a sumptous meal... eat until cannot eat le :P den played cards and won 8bucks!! from a mere $2 bet! *haa QY must feel damn pinched... he lost the most I guess... after that QY and me walked to the MRT as the rest live within walking distance but not me and him... :( so sad he din drive... if not can stay late late liao :( QY... nxt time must remember outings and remember to drive!! *haha so I can sit 顺风车 :P

1:45 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007
[[* +_Kiwi's B'dae Celeb_+ *]]
初十四: met dear to go shopping... bought me a nice pendant *muacks! and also gifts for KW and Cher... coz meeting them @ nite to chiong and celeb Kiwi Ji's b'dae (belated)...
Went to daybed bar along mohd sultan... cosy place... to chill out with place... I love it... after tat we were so stupid went around looking for ATM... coz no cash... went all the way to MOM for our ATM... was really a good nite exercise... Then we went to the cannery... and *haa we're big kids... playing around the water fountain... Around 12+ den we went in MOS... so weird do I look kiddy? the bouncer initially dun allow me in sia... even went i showed 3 of my identity cards... stupid bitch! *argh... 1st time u noe... so angry and so paisei... but went in was so super crowded... dun even have place to put our bags... so sian... den cannot dance... esp when my back so bulky so... went look for place to sit and chill firs... Party till 3am... the guys were really useless... the nite is still yound but they knockout le... Dear came to fetch me after tat... So sweet of him... :P
1:43 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
[[* +_死家Clubbing_+ *]]
11:07 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
[[* +_Crazy Nite_+ *]]
2:07 PM
[[* +_BIT Chalet_+ *]]
初十二: ERM TEST!!! Oh Man... it kills... but strangely I finished pretty fast and I find it pretty ok... tsk tsk... hope it's really ok... den gt a free ride home!! woohoot... den arrange with lavvie to meet den took a nap... coz chionging for chalet in the nite... Our FINAL BIT CHALET!!! @ ALoha Changi... weird and errie place... but it's nice... near the sea I LIKE! It was real fun... at nite we even went out to CHangi V to have supper and saw lots of bapok... and they're so so so gorgeous OMG>>> tooo bad din take any pic of them :( sadly *haa
1:41 PM