Sunday, October 26, 2008
[[* Family Outing @ East Coast *]]
On our way to Bedok...
Car not big enough for all of us, hence we need to take the train instead. =(

Preparing the fishing rods...
Awaiting to commence fishing!!!

East Coast Park - revamped.
Little Monkey @ Work [fishing]
Mummy with a plane flying past.
Mummy smiling so happily!!!.
Glutton me. *lol.
11:49 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
[[* Jazmin's 21st Bdae Celeb @ Botanical Garden *]]
The last in our group to turn 21!!!
11:49 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
[[* Stupid SingPost *]]
Damn it!!
Stupid SingPost. I really don't know what is happening man. I've conducted so many sprees, couriered my items via SingPost so many times - more then 10 times at least, and now it is giving me problems.
First 2 of my Lioele products take ages to reach my customers and Ju happens to be one of them. And in the end the package was actually squashed. No explanation was given in regards to the delay, hey its more den 1 week or maybe 2 weeks!!!
Then now the batch of clothes in Spree 10 and Spree 11, I don't know what happen coz 3 of my customers came back telling me they got penalty surcharges from SingPost saying that its bcoz the sender [Me] did not pay enough postage.
Hey! I used your (SingPost) machine to weigh my items!!! And purchased the stamps from you!! Therefore, shouldn't you be giving me the exact price that should be matching the weight of my items!!! *GRRRR Why are my customers returning to tell me I've not paid the correct postages!!!
I was actually wondering is it because they just moved from the Basement to Level 2 the previous night, or actually that morning, that caused all these errors. If not what could have happened? Why after weighing, your guys or the machine can actually gave the wrong postage?
I right think left think up think down think also can't figure it out.
And the fact that some customers ain't courteous really make me REAL MAD. Hey I was trying my best to be as efficient as possible and post it out almost immediately [coz the item came in on Thursday night and I got all the 5 parcels RE-PACKED and carried all the way to JP to have it weighed and posted out on Friday morning] Can't your appreciate?
In the end coz you got a $1.50 penalty surcharge saying that I've already charged you correctly, you shouldn't be paying for the surcharge, but do you need to give me that kind of attitude? Can't you just be polite to enquire? It's only $1.50 afterall not $15 or $150!!!
And also I did not say I'm not refunding you! Furthermore, I ain't really earning much from these sprees afterall, and with all these efforts that I've put in, I really wonder if I should continue.
aybe I should stop, the trouble to coordinate with some uncooperative customers, getting these customers to pay, the energy to re-select and re-packed so many items and to lug it all the way to JP is really taking a toll on me. It was a hard time getting customers to pay for the items they ordered as they always LOVE to delay, but when come to asking for refund, they're so EFFICIENT!
But still I do have good customers and loyal customers. Thanks to you guys! Without you guys support and encouragement I really wonder if I could really continue.
2:44 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
[[* Shirley's 21st Bdae Photos FINALLY *]]

11:14 PM
[[* Photofunia Craze *]]

12:18 PM
[[* Felt so bad... *]]
Just read thru her blog... and I feel really bad.
Though via Singpost Norm Mail, I'm not liable if it get lost. But on hindsight, I'm at fault too coz should have advised her to take Registered Postage. But... hz wats done is done.
Am pretty surprise that instead her order for the Cleocat Clothes reached her safely and earlier then the BB Cream when I've actually sent it out a day before the Cleocat. =( Somemore the Cleocat clothes are in bigger packages than that of the BB Cream. =(
I'll stand to lose too if it really get lost coz I put inside alot of sample sachets as well as a mask for her to use. *HAIZ... why like that...
Having been doing this for the past few months, nth like this has ever happened. And now that it happened it has to be a personal friend. ='( I'm so sorry Ju...
Wanted to gave her some sample sachets to try in the meantime but she declined. =( When I got the news that she went to buy it from JP JL, *ahhh I dunno I felt even worst... like got stabbed. Just... *haiz... guess no words can describe what I feel. Coz maybe she got scared from buying from me? As she was willing to pay so much more to buy from JP JL instead. =(
Now I can only pray hard that the BB Cream package will be returned to my return address. What I'm worried is that it will be totally lost.
11:50 AM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
[[* Ling's Wedding @ Orchid Country Club *]]

Today then I know that Tuscani is actually under Hyundai... a korean brand.
It's so uncomfortable sitting at the back, and it's really noisy sitting in the car too. Dunno if it's the engine or that the car is not sound-proof enough of the outdoor environment noise.
Coz WeiQiang drove a Tuscani and both me and Hubby were shocked. Somemore is in red, my fav color for cars. *heez...
We took a super uber long time to reach Orchid Country Club.
- Wnt onto the wrong expressway. Suppose to turn into KJE, but we ended up on PIE.
- So have to make a long re-route via BKE. -.-!
- Went Yishun to pick Huixian, but when we reached there the dear driver then realise that Huixian has actually msged him @ 6.25pm that she's making her way down herself -.-!
And so finally after 45mins, we finally reached our destination. It's was ok though coz we're considered early =p at 7.00pm ++
5:18 PM